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A travel full of experiences - Bavarian rural women in Kenya in February 2024

09. 04. 2024

From 14 to 22 February 2024, Marion Fischer, district farmer in Nürnberger Land, Anita Weber, member of the Weilheim-Schongau district board, Ann Kathrin Rauscher, BBV public relations officer in Lower Franconia, undertook their first trip to Kenya together with project manager Angelika Eberl. The women were very excited about their upcoming experiences.



 DSC09830 On the way to Laikipia, Mount Kenya's massif can be faintly recognised in the background.

Official visits to Laikipia and Kirinyaga

We support the WoFaAK (Women Farmers Association of Kenya) in becoming known and active in five other counties. This always starts with an official contact and introduction to the county administration.

These so-called ‘courtesy calls’ were well prepared by members of the WoFaAK National Board - we were able to get started. We accompanied Winnie Muriithi, the chairperson of WoFaAK, with members of the National Board on the inaugural visits. It was exciting to see all the different buildings and offices. Representatives of the agricultural offices welcomed us. Winnie Muriithi, the chairlady explained the work and goals of WoFaAK and that the rural women's association would like to expand its catchment area. Our dialogue partners were all very interested and confirmed that the rural women need all the support they can get. They promised to help WoFaAK, especially in the search for active, interested women's groups. That was very motivating to start with.


From left: Ann-Kathrin Rauscher, Angelika Eberl, Sarah Paul, Margaret Manjeru, Officer for Crobs at the Department of Agriculture, Winnie Muriithi, Anita Weber, Rose Wambui, (Officer Social Service), Marion Fischer, Florence Kinoti (WoFaAK).
 DSC09841  From left: Marion Fischer, Angelika Eberl, Winnie Muriithi, Dr Gasha, Mary Kibue, Pauline, Anita Weber and Ann-Kathrin Rauscher

First Rural Women's Day in Chuka Town, Tharaka Nithi.



The next day, we looked forward to a real highlight in Chuka Town, Tharaka Nithi County. 

This is where the County Chapter of WoFaAK organised its first Rural Women's Day. In addition to a grandstand of honour and covered seating for the many members of WoFaAK, numerous sales and information stand rounded off the event. 1,200 rural women from the member groups came to the event - the festive procession of singing women gave you goosebumps. Numerous guests from politics, organisations, and business took the opportunity to speak in front of this audience. It was a great and important day for the women and the WoFaAK.

 DSC09890 Each guest received a green ribbon.


We were impressed by the organisation and execution. The nine women on the Tharaka-Nithi County Executive Committee had done an excellent job in the run-up to the event. Lucyline Karimi, chairperson of the county organisation concluded: ‘Tharaka Nithi RWD was well attended with 1200+ women from all over the county, these women were strictly from the registered groups with WoFaAK. The county government was very positive about the day and the agriculture sector was already involving WoFaAK in their activities: It is planting time now, so some women from some WoFaAK groups were involved as service providers to show the farmers how to use the right seed for planting and the right way to plant. From the 16th on 8 more groups have registered. Again, many women groups are now willing to register with WoFaAK’.


Meeting with the County Chapters of Meru, Embu, Tharaka Nithi and Murang'a

We used Saturday for a meeting with the district councils from Meru, Embu, Tharaka Nithi and Murang'a in Chuka. The main topic was the Rural Women's Day held the day before. How was it financed and organised and what experiences and tips are important when organising such a large event? Many questions and suggestions were exchanged. The project manager informed about future activities of the BBV-LIZ, especially about the planned seminar for voluntary leaders of the WoFaAK in Bavaria in March.

  20240217_090351    20240217_102830 

Onward journey to western Kenya for inaugural visits to Busia, Vihiga and Nandi

We continued our journey and travelled to western Kenya. The first destination was Busia on the border with Uganda, where we had arranged our first of three inaugural visits to the districts of Busia, Vihiga and Nandi on Monday at 8 am. The WoFaAK delegation (Winnie Murithii and Phassy Mbone) and we found the counties to be very interested and open to cooperation.

The main road from Busia leads straight to the state border with Uganda.

 DSC09941  DSC09938 In Busia: from left: Angelika Eberl, Anita Weber, Eunice Kibusu, Marion Fischer, Phassy Mmbone, Ruben Chumba and Winnie Muriithi  
Meeting with the district councils of Bungoma, Kakamega and Siaya

On Tuesday, we met with the members of the district councils in Western Kenya for a constructive and informative exchange in Kakamega. The board members from Bungoma, Kakamega and Siaya and our two freelancers Irene Sikuku and Dr Marystella Wabwoba took part. Winnie Muriithi took the opportunity to introduce herself as the newly elected national chairperson of WoFaAK and explained her visions and plans for the future to rural women.

 20240220_090318Three members of the national executive committee: Winnie Muriithi, Florence Kinoti and Mariam Makholo


Return to Nairobi for further discussions

Back in Nairobi, we introduced ourselves to the Swedish NGO ‘We Effect’ on Wednesday. This conversation was very promising. Both sides are considering working together with WoFaAK in the future.

 20240221_091344 From the left: Team BBV-LIZ, Team WoFaAK, TEam WeEffect

We headed to the headquarters of the Kenyan Farmers' Organisation “KENAFF”. The aim was to introduce the head of the newly elected national executive committee, Chairlady Winnie Murithii, Secretary Phassy Mbone and Treasurer Florence Kinoti. The exchange about programmes and activities with a young team of KENAFF employees was constructive and open.


Shortly before departure, a meeting was held with the honorary managing director of WoFaAK. They discussed various topics. For example, the failure of handover of the office, and the future organisation, especially the tasks of the WoFaAK secretariat. This meeting was important to secure and improve the structure and working methods of the organisation in the future. 


After an intensive and eventful week, the Bavarian rural women returned home full of deep impressions and valuable experiences. 


This trip, once again, contributed to cooperation and mutual understanding between the rural women's organisations in Kenya and Bavaria. In particular, the election of Winnie as the national chairperson of WoFaAK and the new perspectives associated with this is seen as a positive step towards a successful future.